Adel-Jing Wang
Dr. Wang is a sound studies scholar, art anthropologist, sound event organizer. Academically trained in performance studies, Dr. Wang is an associate professor in the College of Media and International Culture at Zhejiang University. Her book Sound and Affect: An Anthropology of China’s Sound Practice (Zhejiang University Press, 2017) explores the concepts of freedom, affect and sound through anthropological research on China’s sound culture. She is published in academic journals including Leonardo, Leonardo Music Journal, Journal of Popular Music Studies, Representation, and International Review of Qualitative Research. Her current research focuses on sound studies, sensory studies, performance studies, and anthropological methods. Artistically, She works primarily with field-recordings. In January 2015, she founded The Sound Lab at College of Media and International Culture at Zhejiang University. Her current book project is entitled "Tenuous Resonance: China's Sound Practice and Ideas" (Bloomsbury 2019).
Her Personal website
PhD School of Interdisciplinary Arts, Ohio University, USA
M.A Communication Studies in Scripps College of Communication, Ohio University
B.A School of International Studies, Zhejiang University, China
Sound studies; performance studies, art anthropology
Sound and Affect: An Anthropology of China’s Sound Practice. Hangzhou China: Zhejiang University Press, 2017.1. (Chinese)
Wang, Jing. “Global Sounds and Local Sentiments: A Survey of Improvised Music in Contemporary China” in Critical Studies in Improvisation / Études critiques en improvisation, Vol 11, No 1. 2017 (upcoming)
Wang, Jing. “Affective Listening as a Mode of Coexistence: The Case of China’s Sound Practice” in Representations 136, Fall 2016: 112-31.
Wang, Jing. “To Propose Affective Listening as a Mode of Co-existence: in the Case of China’s Sound Practice and Beyond” in Representation, under review. 2016 A&HCI
Wang, Jing. "To Make Sounds Inside of A 'Big Can': Proposing a Proper Space for Works of Sound Art" LEONARDO, Vol.49, No.1. 2016:38-47. A&HCI
Wang, Jing. “Considering the Politics of Sound Art in China in the 21st Century” in Leonardo Music Journal 25, December 2015. A&HCI
Wang, Jing. “Utopian Impulses in China’s Sound Culture: The Raying Temple Subculture Collective,” The Journal of Popular Music Studies, Vol.25, Issue 1, 2015: 2-24. A&HCI
Wang, Jing. “Mapping An Existential Territory: An Autoethnogaphy of a Sound Researcher” International Review of Qualitative Research. 7.4. 2014: 486-501.
music, art and youth culture in contemporary China