Ka Lin

Teacher (1983-1994) in Dept. of Philosophy and Sociology, Hangzhou University; Doctoral researcher (1994-1999) and research fellow (1999-2002) in Dept. of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Tampere; Senior Researcher (2003-2006) in University of Turku (Finland); Docents (2005-Present) in University of Tampere and University of Turku. Professor and the director of Social Policy Research Centre of Nanjing University (2005-2009); Professor (2009 to present) and the head of the Dept. of Social Security and Risk Management, College of Public Administration, the deputy director of the Centre For European Studies, and the executive director in the MSW Center (social work), Zhejiang University.
PhD., University of Tampere
Vice chair, International Association on Social Quality, and vice chair of the Committee on International Social Security Studies in the Chinese Social Security Association;
the board members: the Social Policy Committee of the Chinese Sociological Association, the Social Security Committee of the Chinese Sociological Association; the Chinese Association of Social Work Education, and the steering committee of “the Global China Group” in the Worldwide Universities Network (WUN);
the editor of《International Journal of Social Quality》and an international editor of《Nordic Social Work Research》.
English Books:
Ka Lin, Peter Herrmann (eds.): Social Quality: A New Perspective on Social Development, New York: Berghahn Books, 2015.
Ka Lin, Haoran Lv (eds.): The International Experience of Environment Protection and Public Participation, Beijing: China Environment Press, 2015.
Ka Lin: Confucian Welfare Cluster: A Cultural Interpretation of Social Welfare, Tampere: University of Tampere, 1999.
Chinese Books
Ka Lin, Lei Huang, Li Bai: Protecting the Marine Ecoenviornnment and Constructing the New Development Zone in Zhoushan Islands (《海洋生态环境保护与舟山群岛新区建设》), Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press,2017
Ka Lin: Social Quality: The Theory, Methods and International Comparison (《社会质量:理论方法与国际比较》), Beijing: People’s Publishing House, 2016.
Ka Lin, Jiahua Zhang: Social Policy and the Society-building Process: The Experience from the Nordic Countries(《社会政策与社会建设:北欧经验》), Beijing: Renmin University of China, 2014.
Ka Lin, Mengya Chen: Theories and Paradigms in Social Policy Research(《社会政策的理论和研究范式》), Beijing: China Labour and Social Security Press, 2008.
Ka Lin, Hao Zhu, Longfei Yi: Jiaxing Model and the Construction of Mechanism for Public Participation and Environment Protection in Zhejiang Province (《浙江省公众参与环境保护的机制构建》), Beijing: China’s Environment Press. 2015.
Research articles
Theoretical Studies of Social Policy
*Ka Lin & Raymond KH Chan: “Repositioning Three Models of Social Policy With Reference to East Asian Welfare Systems”, 《International Social Work》(SSCI), 2015, Vol. 58,(6): 831-839.
* Ka Lin & Longfei Yi, “Social Policy and Social Administration: The Concepts, Features and Themes”, Social Sciences Journal(《社会科学辑刊》),2015.3
*Ka Lin: “Social Policy, Social Quality and the Trends of Development in Mainland China”, Social Sciences (《社会科学》), 2013.12. (re-printed by 《人大复印资料》, The Information Centre of Renmin University of China).
* Ka Lin:“International Experience and Chinese Development of Social Welfare System”, Zhejiang Social Sciences(《浙江社会科学》), 2011.5.
* Tuan Yang and Ka Lin: Social Policy Studies in Contemporary China VI (《当代社会政策研究VI》),2011, Beijing: Chinese Labour and Social Security Press.
* Ka Lin, Huaijuan Zhao: “Distinguishing the Models of Productive Social Policy and Developmental Social Policy and Its Implications”, Social Security Studies (《社会保障研究》), 2009.2 (re-printed by 《人大复印资料》, The Information Centre of Renmin University of China).
*Ka Lin & Eero Carroll: “Theoretical Visions versus Policymaking Realities? Searching for the Logical Grounds of Expansion and Retrenchment Arguments in Studies on Nordic Social Policy Models from the 1960s to the 2000s”,《Comparative Sociology》, 2006, Vol. 5 (1): 2-22.
*Ka Lin: “Cultural Traditions and the Scandinavian Social Policy Model”,《Social Policy & Administration》(SSCI),2005, Vol. 39 (7): 723–739.
*Ka Lin: “Sectors, Agents and Rationale: A Study of the Scandinavian Welfare States with Special Reference to the Welfare Society Model”, 《Acta Sociologica》(SSCI), 2004, Vol. 47 (2): 141-157.
*Lin Ka: "Pohjoismainen malli Kiinasta katsottuna", Janus (A journal of the Finish Association of Social Policy and Social Work). 2000, Vol.8(2): 114-133.
International Comparisons on Social Security
*Ka Lin & Chack-kie Wong: “Social Policy and Social Order in East Asia: An Evolutionary View”, 《Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development》(SSCI), 2013, Vol.23(4): 270-284.
*Ka Lin: “The Development of the Social Security Systems in Latin America and its Policy Implications for China”, Chinese Social Science Digest (《中国社会科学文摘》), 2012.3.
*Ka Lin, Jiahua Zhang:“The Transition of Nordic Social Policy and Its Implications for Chinese Social Construction”, Comparisons on the Economical and Social Systems (《经济社会体制比较》), 2011.3. (re-printed by 《人大复印资料》, The Information Centre of Renmin University of China) .
* Ka Lin: “Income Gap and Social Justice: The Development of the Social Security Systems in Latin American Countries and Their Experiences”, Journal of Social Sciences(《社会科学》), 2011.10.
* Ka Lin:“The Cross-countries Comparison of Social Security Systems and Its Implications for China”, Research group on the Strategy of Social Security Development, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security in China: International Comparisons of Social Security System (《社会保障制度国际比较》), 2011, pp. 22-45, Beijing: China Labour and Social Security Press.
* Ka Lin, Huaijuan Zhao:“On Studies of East Asian Model and Its Problems”,The Academic Journal of Zhejiang University (Humanities and Social Sciences) (《浙江大学学报 (人文社科版)》), 2010.5. (re-printed by 《人大复印资料》,The Information Centre of Renmin University of China)
* Ka Lin:“The Expansion and Fall of the Productivist Model in East Asia”, Jiangsu Social Sciences (《江苏社会科学》), 2008.4.
* Ka Lin:“The Reform of Nordic Welfare States: The Policy Implementation, Effects, and Restriction Imposed by Their Institutional Contexts”, European Studies (《欧洲研究》),2008.3.
* Ka Lin:“Studies on the Nordic Studies of Welfare State and the Logic of Their Policy Debates”, Social Sciences Aboard(《国外社会科学》), 2005.6. (re-printed by 《人大复印资料》,The Information Centre of Renmin University of China) .
*Ka Lin & Eero Carroll: “State Institutions, Political Power, and Social Policy Choices - Reconstructing the Origins of Nordic Models of Social Policy”,《European Journal of Political Research》(SSCI),2006, Vol. 45: 345-367.
Social Policy and Social Security in China
*Ka Lin, Baiqian Hou: "Discussions and Evaluation on Social Policy Programs from the Value Perspective--on the propasal requiring the retirees to pay social security premiums for health care" (in press), Journal of Zhejiang University.
*Ka Lin: “Challenges to the Development of the Social Security System under the Stage of the New Normalin China”, Social Security in China (《中国社会保障》),2016.5.
* Ka Lin: “The Strategy of Chinese Development and Its Prospect: A Shift from Pursuit of Life Quality to Enhancing Social Quality”, Exploration and Debate (《探索与争鸣》), 2011.6.
* Ka Lin: “China: The Art of State and Social Policy Remodeling”, in Alcock, Pete & Craig, Gary eds,《International Social Policy: Welfare Regimes in the Developed World》, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009, pp. 247-266.
* Ka Lin:“The Transformation of the Social Security System in China”, Zhaohuan Zheng ed. Social Security and Social Development(《社会保障与社会发展》),2009,Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press.
* Ka Lin: “The Development of Social Policy As a Discipline in China”, Exploration and Debate (《探索与争鸣》), 2008.11.(re-printed by 《人大复印资料》,The Information Centre of Renmin University of China)
*Ka Lin: “Institutional Responses to the Changing Patterns of Poverty and Marginalization in China, 1950s-2000s”, in Zhang, Heather Xioquan & Wu, Bin & Sanders, Richard eds,《Marginalisation in China:Perspectives on Transition and Globalization》, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007, pp. 119-133.
* Ka Lin,Hong Gao:“The Dynamics and Institutional Contexts of Development for the Chinese System of the Affordable Housing”, The Chinese Soft Sciences (《中国软科学》),2007.1.
* Ka Lin, Xiaoguang Fan: “Poverty and Anti-Poverty: A Research On the Change of Poverty Patterns and the Anti-Poverty Policies”, Social Science Front (《社会科学战线》), 2006.1. (re-printed by《人大复印资料》,The Information Centre of Renmin University of China).
* Ka Lin:“Absolute Poverty, Relative Poverty and Social Exclusion”, Social Security in China (《中国社会保障》), 2006.140.
*Ka Lin & Olli Kangas: “Social Policy-Making and Its Institutional Basis: A Study on the Transition of the Chinese Social Security System”, 《International Social Security Review》, 2006, Vol.59 (2): 61-76.
*Ka Lin: “Chinese Perceptions of the Scandinavian Social Policy Model”, 《Social Policy & Administration》(SSCI), 2001, Vol. 35 (3): 321-340.
Life Quality and Social Quality
*Ka Lin, Hua Li: “Mapping Social Quality Clusters and Its Implications”,《Social Indicators Research》(SSCI),2016,10.1007/s11205-016-1432-0.
*Ka Lin: “Social Quality and Happiness—An Analysis of the Survey Data from Three Chinese Cities”, 《Applied Research in Quality of Life》 (SSCI), 2016, Vol. 11 (1): 23–40.(the Chinese translation published on the social science journal of Human Normal University(《湖南师范大学社会科学学报》), 2016. 1)
*Pamela Abbott, Claire Wallace, Ka Lin, Christian Haerpfer: “The Quality of Society and Life Satisfaction in China”, 《Social Indicators Research》(SSCI), 2016, Vol. 127(2): 653–670.
*Ka Lin: “A Methodological Exploration of Social Quality Research: A Comparative Evaluation of the Quality of Life and Social Quality Approaches”, International Sociology (SSCI), 2013, 28(3) 316–334. (the Chinese translation published on Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute《江苏行政学院学报》, 2015.2.)
*Ka Lin: “A Methodological Exploration of Social Quality Research: A Comparative Evaluation of the Quality of Life and Social Quality Approaches”, 《International Sociology》(SSCI), 2013, Vol. 28 (3): 316–334.
*Ka Lin,Yun Xu,Tianhai Huang,Jiahua Zhang: “Social Exclusion and Its Causes in East Asian Societies: Evidences from SQSQ Survey Data”, 《Social Indicators Research》(SSCI), 2013, Vol. 112 ( 3): 641-660.
*Ka Lin: “The Prototype of Social Quality Theory and its Applicability to Asian Societies”,《International Journal of Social Quality》, 2011, Vol. 21 (1): 57-70.
*Ka Lin: “Social Policy and Social Quality”, in Guangdong Survey Centre eds, Go with Happiness: The Dialogue with the Experts on Social Construction (《与幸福同行:转型期社会建设专家谈》), 2011: 52-78, Guangzhou: Guangdong Education Press.
* Ka Lin, Xiaoqing Liu, Hui Mao:“Social Trust and Social Quality: A Data Analysis and Evaluation on the Zhejiang Social Quality Survey”, Academic Journal of Jiangsu College of Public Administration (《江苏行政学院学报》), 2010.4.
* Ka Lin:“Social Quality Theory: A New Perspective to Study The Way of Constructing A Harmonious Society”, Academic Journal of People's University of China (《中国人民大学学报》), 2010.2. (re-printed by《中国社会科学文摘》,The Digest of the Chinese Social Sciences).
* Ka Lin, Hong Gao: “Social Quality and Social Construction”, Journal of Social Sciences (《社会科学》) 2010.3 (re-printed by《新华文摘》,The Xinhua Digest).
*Ka Lin, Laurent van der Maesen, and Paul Ward: “Social Quality Theory In Perspective”, 《Development and Society》,2009, Vol. 38 (2): 201- 208.
* Ka Lin: “Social Quality Theory and Its Usefulness for Studying Asian Societies (Three Meanings of Analysis on Social Quality Theory), Chack-kie Wong ed., East Asian Countries and the Regional Welfare: Globalisation, Culture and Government, 2011, pp. 58-72, Beijing: The Chinese Society Press.
* Ka Lin:“Social Quality and the Theory of Harmonious Society”, Tiankui Jin and Huaming Peng eds.《The Front of Social Welfare Theories in the West》 (《西方社会福利理论前沿——论国家、社会、体制与政策》), 2009, pp. 311-328, Beijing: The Chinese Society Publisher.
Family, Gender and Aging
*Ka Lin, Haoran Lv, “Four Ideas of Aging Strategies and Their Policy Implications”, Journal of Zhejiang University (《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》), 2016 Vol. 46 (4): 115-125.
* Xusheng Zhang &Ka Lin, “Successful Aging and its Policy Implication”, Social Science Front (《社会科学战线》),2015.2.
*Ka Lin, Pingjun Yin & Nicholas Loubere: “Social Support and the‘Left Behind’Elderly in Rural China: A Case Study from Jiangxi Province”, 《Journal of Community Health》 (SSCI), 2014, Vol. 39 (4): 674–681.
*Ka Lin and Hao Zhu, “Meeting the Challenge of Aging Society: Evolution of the Policy Target of China’s Elderly Care Service”, Shandong Social Sciences (《山东社会科学》), 2014 (2): 66-70 (re-printed by 《人大复印资料》, The Information Centre of Renmin University of China).
*Ka Lin: “Policy Responses to Care Arrangement for Reinforcing Work–Care Reconciliation in Different Welfare Regimes: Convergence or Divergence”, 《Nordic Social Work Research》, 2014, DOI: 10.1080/2156857X.2014.916478.
*Ka Lin, Longfei Yi and Shuang Wu: “Housing Policy and the ‘New Citizens’ of the Chinese City: On the Social Protection of Migrant Workers Regarding Their Residential Rights”, in Kettunen, P., Kuhnle, S. Ren, Y. Eds, 《Reshaping Welfare Institutions in China and the Nordic Countriesh》, 2014, pp 211-227, Helsinki: University of Helsinki.
*Hao Zhu, Ka Lin: “Home Care, Residential Care and Community Care: Coping with the Challenge of the Coming Aging Society”, Keqin Han, Jianzhong Wu, Xiangquan Zheng, Richard L.Edwards eds: Comparison of the Social Welfare in China and USA (《中美社会福利比较》),2012,pp.146-161, Jinan: Shandong People’s Press.
* Ka Lin, Lin Tang:“On the Methodological Implications of the Feminist Studies”, Women Studies Forum (《妇女研究论丛》), 2007.1. (re-printed by 《人大复印资料》,The Information Centre of Renmin University of China).
* Ka Lin,Lin Tang: “Women and Social Policy --- A Discussion on the Transition on Women’s Role in Nordic Society”, Women Studies Forum (《妇女研究论丛》),2006.2.
*Ka Lin & Rantalaiho Minna: “Family Policy and Social Order - Comparing the Dynamics of Family Policy-Making in Scandinavia and Confucian Asia”, 《International Journal of Social Welfare》(SSCI), 2003, 12(1): 2-13.
Social Welfare, Social Work and Community Services
*Ka Lin, Yuqin Zhang: "The Theoretical Exploration on the Issue of Localization and Internationalization for Youth Social Work". Youth Research, 2015(4): 42-46.
*Huaijuan Zhao, Ka Lin: “Demand and Supply: An Analysis About the Conditions of Social Work Profession in China”, Shandong Social Sciences (《山东社会科学》),2012.6. (re-printed by《人大复印资料》,The Information Centre of Renmin University of China).
*Ka Lin and Hao Wu: “Evaluating the Charitable Efforts Made by the Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations: Key Issues in the Development of Charity in China, The Academic Journal of Zhejiang University (Humanities and Social Sciences) (《浙江大学学报(人文社科版) 》), 2012,Vol. 42 (4): 132-142 (re-printed by 《人大复印资料》,The Information Centre of Renmin University of China).
* Ka Lin, Yun Xu: “Studies on Awareness of Yong Drug Addicts About AIDS Risk and Its Influence on Their Behavioural Patterns”, Youth Studies in China (《中国青年研究 》), 2011.1.
* Ka Lin, Huaijuan Zhao: “Behaviourism: A Useful Approach to Study the Issue of AIDS Prevention” Social Sciences Front (《社会科学战线》), 2010.4.
*Ka Lin, Lun Zhou: “A Review on Researches about Drug Use and AIDS Prevention”, Social Work (《社会工作》), 2010.1.
*Ka Lin: “Welfare Society: An Social Ideal Or A Policy Model?”,Academic Monthly (《学术月刊》), 2010.4. (re-printed by《人大复印资料》,The Information Centre of Renmin University of China).
*Ka Lin:“Toward Welfare Society?”, People’s Forum (《人民论坛》), 2009.10.
*Ka Lin:“On Social Ecology of the Chinese Society to Develop Social Work Profession and Its Encountered Challenges”, Journal of Social Sciences, (《社会科学》), 2009.4. (re-printed by《人大复印资料》,The Information Centre of Renmin University of China).
*Ka Lin, Xin Zhong: “The Nordic Experience of Community Services in the Nordic Countries”, Zhejiang Academic Journal (《浙江学刊》), 2008.1.
*Ka Lin & Ke Su: “The Dynamism and Institutional Backgrounds of Community Work Development in Nordic Countries”, Zhejiang Social Sciences (《浙江社会科学》),2007.1. (abstracted by 《新华文摘》,Xinhua Digest).
*Ka Lin, Juai Jin: “Debate on the Issue of ‘Social Work as Profession”, Academic Journal of Zhejiang Suren University (《浙江树人大学学报》), 2003. 2.
Social Administration and Public Policies
*Ka Lin, Shen Qiu: ”The practical way of developing NGOs in China" , In Xizhe Peng, Jude Howell, Chuanlan Wang (eds): Social Organization and the State Governance --- An International Comparison, Shanghai: Fudan University press, 2016, pp. 37-47.
*Ka Lin, Hao Zhu:"The institutional innovation of environmental governance under the procedual justice and its inspiration: a case study of Jiaxing model", Journal of Hunan Agricultural University (Social Sciences)(嘉兴市环境治理制度创新及其启示——基于程序正义和公众参与视角", 《湖南农业大学学报(社会科学版)》), Aug. 2016, 17(4):000–000.
*Ka Lin & Longfei Yi, “Participation and Empowerment: the Local Innovation of Enviornmental Goverance”, Exploration and Debate (《探索与争鸣》), 2014.11 .
*Ka Lin: “An Analysis of the Civil Servants—oriented Social System”, People’s Forum (《人民论坛》), 2013 (10): 62-64.
*Ka Lin: “The Speed of the Economic Growth and Its Social Effects”, People’s Forum. Academic Front (《人民论坛.学术前沿》), 2013 (10):76-83.
*Ka Lin, Yong Li and Qui Shen: “Social Policy Innovation and Development of Inter-sector Agents in Hangzhou”, The Frontline of Social Sciences (《社会科学战线》), 2013.3.
*Yong Li, Ying Sun and Ka Lin: “Social Innovation, Local Governance and Social Quality: The Case of Inter-sectoral Collaboration in Hangzhou City”, 《International Journal of Social Quality》, Vol. 2 (1): 56-73.
English Books:
Ka Lin, Peter Herrmann (eds.): Social Quality: A New Perspective on Social Development, New York: Berghahn Books, 2015.
Ka Lin, Haoran Lv (eds.): The International Experience of Environment Protection and Public Participation, Beijing: China Environment Press, 2015.
Ka Lin: Confucian Welfare Cluster: A Cultural Interpretation of Social Welfare, Tampere: University of Tampere, 1999.
Chinese Books
Ka Lin, Lei Huang, Li Bai: Protecting the Marine Ecoenviornnment and Constructing the New Development Zone in Zhoushan Islands (《海洋生态环境保护与舟山群岛新区建设》), Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press,2017
Ka Lin: Social Quality: The Theory, Methods and International Comparison (《社会质量:理论方法与国际比较》), Beijing: People’s Publishing House, 2016.
Ka Lin, Jiahua Zhang: Social Policy and the Society-building Process: The Experience from the Nordic Countries(《社会政策与社会建设:北欧经验》), Beijing: Renmin University of China, 2014.
Ka Lin, Mengya Chen: Theories and Paradigms in Social Policy Research(《社会政策的理论和研究范式》), Beijing: China Labour and Social Security Press, 2008.
Ka Lin, Hao Zhu, Longfei Yi: Jiaxing Model and the Construction of Mechanism for Public Participation and Environment Protection in Zhejiang Province (《浙江省公众参与环境保护的机制构建》), Beijing: China’s Environment Press. 2015.
Research articles
Theoretical Studies of Social Policy
*Ka Lin & Raymond KH Chan: “Repositioning Three Models of Social Policy With Reference to East Asian Welfare Systems”, 《International Social Work》(SSCI), 2015, Vol. 58,(6): 831-839.
* Ka Lin & Longfei Yi, “Social Policy and Social Administration: The Concepts, Features and Themes”, Social Sciences Journal(《社会科学辑刊》),2015.3
*Ka Lin: “Social Policy, Social Quality and the Trends of Development in Mainland China”, Social Sciences (《社会科学》), 2013.12. (re-printed by 《人大复印资料》, The Information Centre of Renmin University of China).
* Ka Lin:“International Experience and Chinese Development of Social Welfare System”, Zhejiang Social Sciences(《浙江社会科学》), 2011.5.
* Tuan Yang and Ka Lin: Social Policy Studies in Contemporary China VI (《当代社会政策研究VI》),2011, Beijing: Chinese Labour and Social Security Press.
* Ka Lin, Huaijuan Zhao: “Distinguishing the Models of Productive Social Policy and Developmental Social Policy and Its Implications”, Social Security Studies (《社会保障研究》), 2009.2 (re-printed by 《人大复印资料》, The Information Centre of Renmin University of China).
*Ka Lin & Eero Carroll: “Theoretical Visions versus Policymaking Realities? Searching for the Logical Grounds of Expansion and Retrenchment Arguments in Studies on Nordic Social Policy Models from the 1960s to the 2000s”,《Comparative Sociology》, 2006, Vol. 5 (1): 2-22.
*Ka Lin: “Cultural Traditions and the Scandinavian Social Policy Model”,《Social Policy & Administration》(SSCI),2005, Vol. 39 (7): 723–739.
*Ka Lin: “Sectors, Agents and Rationale: A Study of the Scandinavian Welfare States with Special Reference to the Welfare Society Model”, 《Acta Sociologica》(SSCI), 2004, Vol. 47 (2): 141-157.
*Lin Ka: "Pohjoismainen malli Kiinasta katsottuna", Janus (A journal of the Finish Association of Social Policy and Social Work). 2000, Vol.8(2): 114-133.
International Comparisons on Social Security
*Ka Lin & Chack-kie Wong: “Social Policy and Social Order in East Asia: An Evolutionary View”, 《Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development》(SSCI), 2013, Vol.23(4): 270-284.
*Ka Lin: “The Development of the Social Security Systems in Latin America and its Policy Implications for China”, Chinese Social Science Digest (《中国社会科学文摘》), 2012.3.
*Ka Lin, Jiahua Zhang:“The Transition of Nordic Social Policy and Its Implications for Chinese Social Construction”, Comparisons on the Economical and Social Systems (《经济社会体制比较》), 2011.3. (re-printed by 《人大复印资料》, The Information Centre of Renmin University of China) .
* Ka Lin: “Income Gap and Social Justice: The Development of the Social Security Systems in Latin American Countries and Their Experiences”, Journal of Social Sciences(《社会科学》), 2011.10.
* Ka Lin:“The Cross-countries Comparison of Social Security Systems and Its Implications for China”, Research group on the Strategy of Social Security Development, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security in China: International Comparisons of Social Security System (《社会保障制度国际比较》), 2011, pp. 22-45, Beijing: China Labour and Social Security Press.
* Ka Lin, Huaijuan Zhao:“On Studies of East Asian Model and Its Problems”,The Academic Journal of Zhejiang University (Humanities and Social Sciences) (《浙江大学学报 (人文社科版)》), 2010.5. (re-printed by 《人大复印资料》,The Information Centre of Renmin University of China)
* Ka Lin:“The Expansion and Fall of the Productivist Model in East Asia”, Jiangsu Social Sciences (《江苏社会科学》), 2008.4.
* Ka Lin:“The Reform of Nordic Welfare States: The Policy Implementation, Effects, and Restriction Imposed by Their Institutional Contexts”, European Studies (《欧洲研究》),2008.3.
* Ka Lin:“Studies on the Nordic Studies of Welfare State and the Logic of Their Policy Debates”, Social Sciences Aboard(《国外社会科学》), 2005.6. (re-printed by 《人大复印资料》,The Information Centre of Renmin University of China) .
*Ka Lin & Eero Carroll: “State Institutions, Political Power, and Social Policy Choices - Reconstructing the Origins of Nordic Models of Social Policy”,《European Journal of Political Research》(SSCI),2006, Vol. 45: 345-367.
Social Policy and Social Security in China
*Ka Lin, Baiqian Hou: "Discussions and Evaluation on Social Policy Programs from the Value Perspective--on the propasal requiring the retirees to pay social security premiums for health care" (in press), Journal of Zhejiang University.
*Ka Lin: “Challenges to the Development of the Social Security System under the Stage of the New Normalin China”, Social Security in China (《中国社会保障》),2016.5.
* Ka Lin: “The Strategy of Chinese Development and Its Prospect: A Shift from Pursuit of Life Quality to Enhancing Social Quality”, Exploration and Debate (《探索与争鸣》), 2011.6.
* Ka Lin: “China: The Art of State and Social Policy Remodeling”, in Alcock, Pete & Craig, Gary eds,《International Social Policy: Welfare Regimes in the Developed World》, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009, pp. 247-266.
* Ka Lin:“The Transformation of the Social Security System in China”, Zhaohuan Zheng ed. Social Security and Social Development(《社会保障与社会发展》),2009,Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press.
* Ka Lin: “The Development of Social Policy As a Discipline in China”, Exploration and Debate (《探索与争鸣》), 2008.11.(re-printed by 《人大复印资料》,The Information Centre of Renmin University of China)
*Ka Lin: “Institutional Responses to the Changing Patterns of Poverty and Marginalization in China, 1950s-2000s”, in Zhang, Heather Xioquan & Wu, Bin & Sanders, Richard eds,《Marginalisation in China:Perspectives on Transition and Globalization》, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007, pp. 119-133.
* Ka Lin,Hong Gao:“The Dynamics and Institutional Contexts of Development for the Chinese System of the Affordable Housing”, The Chinese Soft Sciences (《中国软科学》),2007.1.
* Ka Lin, Xiaoguang Fan: “Poverty and Anti-Poverty: A Research On the Change of Poverty Patterns and the Anti-Poverty Policies”, Social Science Front (《社会科学战线》), 2006.1. (re-printed by《人大复印资料》,The Information Centre of Renmin University of China).
* Ka Lin:“Absolute Poverty, Relative Poverty and Social Exclusion”, Social Security in China (《中国社会保障》), 2006.140.
*Ka Lin & Olli Kangas: “Social Policy-Making and Its Institutional Basis: A Study on the Transition of the Chinese Social Security System”, 《International Social Security Review》, 2006, Vol.59 (2): 61-76.
*Ka Lin: “Chinese Perceptions of the Scandinavian Social Policy Model”, 《Social Policy & Administration》(SSCI), 2001, Vol. 35 (3): 321-340.
Life Quality and Social Quality
*Ka Lin, Hua Li: “Mapping Social Quality Clusters and Its Implications”,《Social Indicators Research》(SSCI),2016,10.1007/s11205-016-1432-0.
*Ka Lin: “Social Quality and Happiness—An Analysis of the Survey Data from Three Chinese Cities”, 《Applied Research in Quality of Life》 (SSCI), 2016, Vol. 11 (1): 23–40.(the Chinese translation published on the social science journal of Human Normal University(《湖南师范大学社会科学学报》), 2016. 1)
*Pamela Abbott, Claire Wallace, Ka Lin, Christian Haerpfer: “The Quality of Society and Life Satisfaction in China”, 《Social Indicators Research》(SSCI), 2016, Vol. 127(2): 653–670.
*Ka Lin: “A Methodological Exploration of Social Quality Research: A Comparative Evaluation of the Quality of Life and Social Quality Approaches”, International Sociology (SSCI), 2013, 28(3) 316–334. (the Chinese translation published on Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute《江苏行政学院学报》, 2015.2.)
*Ka Lin: “A Methodological Exploration of Social Quality Research: A Comparative Evaluation of the Quality of Life and Social Quality Approaches”, 《International Sociology》(SSCI), 2013, Vol. 28 (3): 316–334.
*Ka Lin,Yun Xu,Tianhai Huang,Jiahua Zhang: “Social Exclusion and Its Causes in East Asian Societies: Evidences from SQSQ Survey Data”, 《Social Indicators Research》(SSCI), 2013, Vol. 112 ( 3): 641-660.
*Ka Lin: “The Prototype of Social Quality Theory and its Applicability to Asian Societies”,《International Journal of Social Quality》, 2011, Vol. 21 (1): 57-70.
*Ka Lin: “Social Policy and Social Quality”, in Guangdong Survey Centre eds, Go with Happiness: The Dialogue with the Experts on Social Construction (《与幸福同行:转型期社会建设专家谈》), 2011: 52-78, Guangzhou: Guangdong Education Press.
* Ka Lin, Xiaoqing Liu, Hui Mao:“Social Trust and Social Quality: A Data Analysis and Evaluation on the Zhejiang Social Quality Survey”, Academic Journal of Jiangsu College of Public Administration (《江苏行政学院学报》), 2010.4.
* Ka Lin:“Social Quality Theory: A New Perspective to Study The Way of Constructing A Harmonious Society”, Academic Journal of People's University of China (《中国人民大学学报》), 2010.2. (re-printed by《中国社会科学文摘》,The Digest of the Chinese Social Sciences).
* Ka Lin, Hong Gao: “Social Quality and Social Construction”, Journal of Social Sciences (《社会科学》) 2010.3 (re-printed by《新华文摘》,The Xinhua Digest).
*Ka Lin, Laurent van der Maesen, and Paul Ward: “Social Quality Theory In Perspective”, 《Development and Society》,2009, Vol. 38 (2): 201- 208.
* Ka Lin: “Social Quality Theory and Its Usefulness for Studying Asian Societies (Three Meanings of Analysis on Social Quality Theory), Chack-kie Wong ed., East Asian Countries and the Regional Welfare: Globalisation, Culture and Government, 2011, pp. 58-72, Beijing: The Chinese Society Press.
* Ka Lin:“Social Quality and the Theory of Harmonious Society”, Tiankui Jin and Huaming Peng eds.《The Front of Social Welfare Theories in the West》 (《西方社会福利理论前沿——论国家、社会、体制与政策》), 2009, pp. 311-328, Beijing: The Chinese Society Publisher.
Family, Gender and Aging
*Ka Lin, Haoran Lv, “Four Ideas of Aging Strategies and Their Policy Implications”, Journal of Zhejiang University (《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》), 2016 Vol. 46 (4): 115-125.
* Xusheng Zhang &Ka Lin, “Successful Aging and its Policy Implication”, Social Science Front (《社会科学战线》),2015.2.
*Ka Lin, Pingjun Yin & Nicholas Loubere: “Social Support and the‘Left Behind’Elderly in Rural China: A Case Study from Jiangxi Province”, 《Journal of Community Health》 (SSCI), 2014, Vol. 39 (4): 674–681.
*Ka Lin and Hao Zhu, “Meeting the Challenge of Aging Society: Evolution of the Policy Target of China’s Elderly Care Service”, Shandong Social Sciences (《山东社会科学》), 2014 (2): 66-70 (re-printed by 《人大复印资料》, The Information Centre of Renmin University of China).
*Ka Lin: “Policy Responses to Care Arrangement for Reinforcing Work–Care Reconciliation in Different Welfare Regimes: Convergence or Divergence”, 《Nordic Social Work Research》, 2014, DOI: 10.1080/2156857X.2014.916478.
*Ka Lin, Longfei Yi and Shuang Wu: “Housing Policy and the ‘New Citizens’ of the Chinese City: On the Social Protection of Migrant Workers Regarding Their Residential Rights”, in Kettunen, P., Kuhnle, S. Ren, Y. Eds, 《Reshaping Welfare Institutions in China and the Nordic Countriesh》, 2014, pp 211-227, Helsinki: University of Helsinki.
*Hao Zhu, Ka Lin: “Home Care, Residential Care and Community Care: Coping with the Challenge of the Coming Aging Society”, Keqin Han, Jianzhong Wu, Xiangquan Zheng, Richard L.Edwards eds: Comparison of the Social Welfare in China and USA (《中美社会福利比较》),2012,pp.146-161, Jinan: Shandong People’s Press.
* Ka Lin, Lin Tang:“On the Methodological Implications of the Feminist Studies”, Women Studies Forum (《妇女研究论丛》), 2007.1. (re-printed by 《人大复印资料》,The Information Centre of Renmin University of China).
* Ka Lin,Lin Tang: “Women and Social Policy --- A Discussion on the Transition on Women’s Role in Nordic Society”, Women Studies Forum (《妇女研究论丛》),2006.2.
*Ka Lin & Rantalaiho Minna: “Family Policy and Social Order - Comparing the Dynamics of Family Policy-Making in Scandinavia and Confucian Asia”, 《International Journal of Social Welfare》(SSCI), 2003, 12(1): 2-13.
Social Welfare, Social Work and Community Services
*Ka Lin, Yuqin Zhang: "The Theoretical Exploration on the Issue of Localization and Internationalization for Youth Social Work". Youth Research, 2015(4): 42-46.
*Huaijuan Zhao, Ka Lin: “Demand and Supply: An Analysis About the Conditions of Social Work Profession in China”, Shandong Social Sciences (《山东社会科学》),2012.6. (re-printed by《人大复印资料》,The Information Centre of Renmin University of China).
*Ka Lin and Hao Wu: “Evaluating the Charitable Efforts Made by the Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations: Key Issues in the Development of Charity in China, The Academic Journal of Zhejiang University (Humanities and Social Sciences) (《浙江大学学报(人文社科版) 》), 2012,Vol. 42 (4): 132-142 (re-printed by 《人大复印资料》,The Information Centre of Renmin University of China).
* Ka Lin, Yun Xu: “Studies on Awareness of Yong Drug Addicts About AIDS Risk and Its Influence on Their Behavioural Patterns”, Youth Studies in China (《中国青年研究 》), 2011.1.
* Ka Lin, Huaijuan Zhao: “Behaviourism: A Useful Approach to Study the Issue of AIDS Prevention” Social Sciences Front (《社会科学战线》), 2010.4.
*Ka Lin, Lun Zhou: “A Review on Researches about Drug Use and AIDS Prevention”, Social Work (《社会工作》), 2010.1.
*Ka Lin: “Welfare Society: An Social Ideal Or A Policy Model?”,Academic Monthly (《学术月刊》), 2010.4. (re-printed by《人大复印资料》,The Information Centre of Renmin University of China).
*Ka Lin:“Toward Welfare Society?”, People’s Forum (《人民论坛》), 2009.10.
*Ka Lin:“On Social Ecology of the Chinese Society to Develop Social Work Profession and Its Encountered Challenges”, Journal of Social Sciences, (《社会科学》), 2009.4. (re-printed by《人大复印资料》,The Information Centre of Renmin University of China).
*Ka Lin, Xin Zhong: “The Nordic Experience of Community Services in the Nordic Countries”, Zhejiang Academic Journal (《浙江学刊》), 2008.1.
*Ka Lin & Ke Su: “The Dynamism and Institutional Backgrounds of Community Work Development in Nordic Countries”, Zhejiang Social Sciences (《浙江社会科学》),2007.1. (abstracted by 《新华文摘》,Xinhua Digest).
*Ka Lin, Juai Jin: “Debate on the Issue of ‘Social Work as Profession”, Academic Journal of Zhejiang Suren University (《浙江树人大学学报》), 2003. 2.
Social Administration and Public Policies
*Ka Lin, Shen Qiu: ”The practical way of developing NGOs in China" , In Xizhe Peng, Jude Howell, Chuanlan Wang (eds): Social Organization and the State Governance --- An International Comparison, Shanghai: Fudan University press, 2016, pp. 37-47.
*Ka Lin, Hao Zhu:"The institutional innovation of environmental governance under the procedual justice and its inspiration: a case study of Jiaxing model", Journal of Hunan Agricultural University (Social Sciences)(嘉兴市环境治理制度创新及其启示——基于程序正义和公众参与视角", 《湖南农业大学学报(社会科学版)》), Aug. 2016, 17(4):000–000.
*Ka Lin & Longfei Yi, “Participation and Empowerment: the Local Innovation of Enviornmental Goverance”, Exploration and Debate (《探索与争鸣》), 2014.11 .
*Ka Lin: “An Analysis of the Civil Servants—oriented Social System”, People’s Forum (《人民论坛》), 2013 (10): 62-64.
*Ka Lin: “The Speed of the Economic Growth and Its Social Effects”, People’s Forum. Academic Front (《人民论坛.学术前沿》), 2013 (10):76-83.
*Ka Lin, Yong Li and Qui Shen: “Social Policy Innovation and Development of Inter-sector Agents in Hangzhou”, The Frontline of Social Sciences (《社会科学战线》), 2013.3.
*Yong Li, Ying Sun and Ka Lin: “Social Innovation, Local Governance and Social Quality: The Case of Inter-sectoral Collaboration in Hangzhou City”, 《International Journal of Social Quality》, Vol. 2 (1): 56-73.
For the International Class and YES class:
Social Policy and Social Development in Contemporary China
For the Nordic Class:
Comparative Studies of Social Policy and Welfare States